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Obituary, Prof. Eduard Lugovskoy, 2019

· Obituaries

Prof. Eduard Lugovskoy of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, passed away in February, 2019. He was a well-respected researcher in the fibrinogen field, forming deep friendships within this community.

An article about to his life and research, and his special friendship to Prof. Russell Doolittle, who also passed away in 2019, appeared in the Ukrainian Journal of Biochemistry (2020), doi:; "Men of the molecules", In memoriam of Prof. Russell Doolittle, Prof. Eduard Lugovskoi and their friendship that outlive both of them.


"Professor Eduard Lugovskoi dedicated his life to the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NationalAcademy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). Professor Eduard Lugovskoi successfully integrated Volodymyr Belitser’s research with studies initiated by Professor Serhiy Komisarenko for the investigation of the fibrinogen structure using mono-clonal antibodies, and created a scientific school for hemostaseology. His works using monoclonal antibodies allowed determining the extremely important polymerization site in the 12–46 fragment of the fibrinogen Bβ-chain (site ‘C’). Unique mono-clonal antibodies to fibrinogen and its fragments allowed the development of diagnostic tests for early determination of the risk of intravascular thrombus formation."

Eduard Lugovkoy, also a poet, has a short rhyme dedicated to friendship.

Two old men
Friendship's fire not put out
Throughout their long lives.